311 - The Last Man on Earth (1964) - The Price was Wrong

What do you get when you have a Vincent Price film that was made in Italy and has a more misleading title than the Never Ending Story? You get a really unique apocalypse film about one man enduring the end of humanity, left to linger in solitude with only his memories of how it all went wrong. We conclude the Price is Right, with a movie where Price was anything BUT. We however, are not alone! We are joined by webcomic artist and horror enthusiast Brion Folk, to celebrate the life and work of Vinnie. Check out his comic, it’s got a sexy jester, a beautiful knight, magic, drama, horror now and then, and plenty of heart!

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email us at graveyardshiftpod@gmail.com for movie suggestions or Patreon ideas.

Thanks for listening.


312 - Halloween (2018) - PTSDelightful


310 - The Fly (1958) - Help Me