167 - Silent Night Zombie Night (2009) - The Dumb and The Breathless

Mike Is joined by long time listener Tiffany to discuss a last minute addition to the Christmassacre after a mishap due to a mis-genred movie. What happens when you cram a hack soap opera full of undead on christmas, mixed with zombies that think they are dinosaurs? you get 85 minutes of regret.
We now have a website! Visit us at www.strangebiscuits.com/graveyard to send us movie suggestions and comment on episodes!

Check Tiffany’s Instagram and her design studio

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email us at graveyardshiftpod@gmail.com for movie suggestions or Patreon ideas.

Thanks for listening.


168 - Mercy Christmas (2017) - The ‘Burbs Have Eyes, Charlie Brown


166 - Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) - No Means Ho Ho Ho